Now What?
Daily Devotion for Easter | Easter Monday, April 2, 2018
Read Luke 24:1-11.
When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome brought spices, so that they might go and anoint Him. (Mark 16:1)
Joseph and Nicodemus didn’t have time to do a proper burial for Jesus that Friday evening. Though they did the best they could, the women who followed Jesus were not satisfied. They planned to come back early Sunday morning and do the job right.
So they went shopping (probably Saturday night, when the Sabbath was officially over). They bought spices and ointments, all the things they would need to wash and anoint Jesus’ body. They packed them up to take out to the tomb the next day… at which point it became abundantly clear that no spices were needed. Jesus was alive, the funeral was cancelled, and … now what should they do with all the spices?
Try to get a refund? Just imagine explaining the reason why to the shopkeeper. Save them for the next person to die? But death itself had been conquered, and who knew what would happen next! I imagine the women finally shoved them in a chest or closet and decided to figure it out later.
Jesus’ resurrection must have led to any number of such ridiculous, joyful moments. And since Jesus will raise all of us who trust in Him, there will be more moments like this in the future. Think of what we won’t need in the new heaven and new earth He is making—no cemeteries, no funeral homes, no dark clothes and solemn suits and handkerchiefs. No wills, no “I give, devise and bequeath,” no inheritance tax. No hospice programs, no palliative care, no grief counseling. No grieving. No sorrow. No death.
Instead, there will be life. There will be love and happiness and laughter. There will be activity and creativity and fellowship. There will be friendship and joy as at last we get to know one another without sin ruining our relationships.
And best of all, there will be the Lord. There will be God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who made us and redeemed us and sanctified us for joyful life in God’s kingdom forever. Thanks be to God!
THE PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for the great joy we have to look forward to on the day when You return. Keep us strong in faith, and bring many more people to that same saving faith in You. Amen.
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About These Devos
SILENT WITNESSES Lenten Devotions 2018
For Christians, the season of Lent is marked by deep reflection on the appearance of the Savior and, naturally, what His life, suffering, death, and resurrection mean for our lives now. God’s human involvement in our world is a perfect example of His intimate love for us. He spared nothing to make Himself known to us—a fact that proclaims in no uncertain terms how “God so loved the world.” In Silent Witnesses, readers will note both the majestic—and mundane—aspects of the Gospel accounts: stories telling how God in His infinite power came down and “has spoken to us by His Son.”
Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) is a Christian outreach ministry supporting churches worldwide in its mission of Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church.