Saturday Services, Version 3.0
POWERwalk Saturday Evenings, beginning on November 10 | 6:00 to 7:00 pm
Part of Immanuel’s mission statement declares that we are “Grounded in Christ.” This means that the people of Immanuel Lutheran Church in Joplin are committed to providing opportunities for folks to worship, to hear God’s Word proclaimed, and to study the Bible together. POWERwalk has been an opportunity to do just that. In our first walk through the Scriptures together (version 1.0), we read the entire Bible over the course of two years. In version 2.0 (just completed in the summer of 2018), participants did an in-depth study of the New Testament. In our third Power Walk cycle, we plan to spend a year in the book of Genesis. Pastor Greg Mech has this to say:
“POWER Walk 3.0 celebrates and explores Genesis, The Book of Beginnings. The themes introduced in the first book of the Bible echo through the whole of Scripture, and it will take us a year to begin to appreciate those echoes. Genesis, especially in its first few chapters, also provides us with essential information about ourselves, our world, and our God, answering questions like Are people basically good or evil? How did this world come to be? Do we belong to this earth, or does the earth belong to us? Are all people created equal? Where is God when things go wrong? Does He know or care about what happens to us? Does a single life matter?”
The themes introduced in the first book of the Bible echo through the whole of Scripture.
We hope you will join us as POWERwalk 3.0 begins on Saturday Evening, November 10. Our hour-long, 6:00pm weekly service will reflect on the readings of the previous week, which can be found right here. A relaxed approach, congregation participation, modern music styles and thoughtful teaching by Rev. Greg Mech make POWERwalk Saturdays something that you and your family will want to make time for.
Questions? Call Pastor Mech at the church office (417-624-0333). All are welcome.