Thanking God For A Life Of Gentle, Faithful Service

March 5, 2021. It is with great sadness that we share the passing of our beloved friend, Louie Comfort Dog. In his retirement, Louie quietly struggled with seizures for more than a year. He died peacefully at home, with many of his handlers and caregivers at his side, comforting him as he passed.
In the Summer of 2011, Louie and Jackson the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dogs began serving as the official Comfort Dogs of Immanuel Lutheran Church and Martin Luther School in Joplin. Louie was preceded in death by his brother Jackson Comfort Dog in March of 2019.
Motivated daily and joyfully to “go to work,” Louie excelled at visiting with people, bringing mercy and compassion in times of joy and of sorrow. Louie provided a welcoming, loving bridge of connection to folks on Immanuel’s campus, in local school classrooms, hospitals, nursing care, cancer treatment and hospice facilities, at civic events and numerous other locales around the four-state area.

Jesus answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” Luke 10:27
Louie’s Bible Verse

No strangers to sorrow and tragedy, Louie and his Comfort Dog team have been trusted with the brokenness and grief of those who have suffered great loss in places like Sandy Hook, Connecticut in 2012 and Las Vegas, Nevada in 2017, with dozens of deployments in Missouri and in neighboring states as well. Louie Comfort Dog heard many sorrows and secret hurts, absorbed many hugs and tears, and was petted through many prayers and words of comfort. Because of Jesus Christ and His love, Louie helped his team to share the Word of God that brings hope, life and peace to a hurting world.

Touching thousands of lives and beloved by his church, school, community, and more, Louie Comfort Dog’s passing brings much sorrow. In the midst of our sadness, we continue to thank the Lord for the gifts that He gives. Today, we praise God for the time He gave us with Louie, but more importantly, we are thankful for the introductions that Louie made possible—allowing God’s people from Joplin to share compassion, care, mercy, and hope with you and so many others. Well done, Louie Comfort Dog. You have a special place in our hearts and you will be missed.

Louie Comfort Dog

- Birthday: June 14, 2010
- Bible verse: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27
- Special traits: black nose and a blue collar, driven and faithful, dashing good looks
- Ministry strength: Louie loves to “vest up” and go to work.
- Favorite snack: carrot pieces
- Favorite way to relax: napping in a sunny spot
- Connect with Louie: