Sign Up to Be A Hero

Wednesday Night YOUTH MEALS are an important part of Immanuel’s ministry to kids in our church, school, and neighborhood. Dozens of youth come each week through the year to enjoy a variety of kid-friendly menus, and stick around to be fed by God’s Word. Pray about it, and decide how you’d like to be a part of providing good food for our Wednesday Night Youth Meals ministry.
If you choose to sign up, you’ll be responsible for providing a simple, kid-friendly meal, dessert and drink for 25 students. Ice, cups, napkins, tableware and plates are stocked for your use in the Youth Center cabinets. The meal is served at 5:45pm, and the food line is open until 6:15. Meal providers are also responsible for cleaning up the kitchen, wiping down the tables and taking home or finding a home for any leftovers. Most folks sign up in pairs to share expenses and responsibilities.
For a variety of reasons, others have chosen to sponsor a meal rather than cook and serve. If you would like to sponsor a meal of the week for $100, let us know! Thank you SO MUCH for being a Youth Meal Partner! Let us know if you have any questions.
Sign Up or Donate Below

See you at our next WEDNESDAY YOUTH NIGHT!