Martin Luther School, a mission ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church, is Lighting the flame of learning with God’s Word as the foundation and demonstrating a Christian life within our school, family, and community. —
Our congregation and school board are currently accepting applications for the position of Principal of Martin Luther School in Joplin, Missouri for the 2024-2025 school year. Currently served by an interim principal, Martin Luther School has begun the Call process to permanently fill the position.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2024
Applicants must attach resume with cover letter, transcripts showing all degrees conferred, and three (3) letters of recommendation — one from a current supervisor preferred.
Applications may be mailed or delivered to:
Martin Luther School
attn: Principal Call Committee
2616 Connecticut Ave
Joplin, MO 64804

For a detailed list of duties, see the specific qualifications and responsibilities found below, taken from the policy manual.
1. Membership on the synodical roster of Commissioned Ministers of Religion Teachers is required.
2. Master’s degree with an emphasis in elementary education administration is required.
3. Valid state teaching certificate or eligibility for meeting the standards for such is expected.
4. Valid state administrative certificate or eligibility for meeting the standards for such is desired.
5. Participation in the work of the church-at-large is expected.
6. Successful classroom teaching experience is expected.
7. Continued growth through professional development is expected.
Note: Any alterations to the above qualifications may be made by the School Board.
The principal’s duties shall include providing spiritual leadership to staff and students. The principal shall assume responsibility for all administrative functions, including, but not limited to, supervisory, clerical, educational, personnel, and public relations.
* The principal shall work in a team relationship with the congregation’s pastor(s) and other church and school leadership.
* He/she shall administer the necessary discipline as established in the policy manual.
* The principal shall stress the distinctive nature and objectives of the Lutheran School and ensure that the entire school program is Christ-centered.
* He/she will ensure that all curriculum materials used at Martin Luther School are educationally sound and that they promote the vision and mission of Martin Luther School.
* The principal, together with faculty and staff, will be responsible for creating and maintaining a school environment that will contribute positively to the life, growth, and learning of all students.
* The principal will see that the school building and grounds are maintained to ensure an attractive, distinctly Christian appearance.
* The principal shall take a leading role in securing qualified personnel for the school faculty and staff.
* He/she shall be responsible for all communication to the school’s constituents and to the community.
* The principal will assist teachers in establishing goals, developing effective lesson plans, and adjusting to meet unique, individual needs of students.

The primary mission of Martin Luther School is to provide opportunity for students to find identity, direction, and power for their lives in Christ by living in grace and in the knowledge of Him as their Lord and Savior. The administration and staff are committed to helping our students develop their God-given gifts and abilities, to make thoughtful decisions, and to take positive action as people of God in society.
We believe a child’s life can be influenced most effectively when the church, home, and school will work together. We believe that each has an immediate and direct influence on the developing child. Martin Luther School is an important ministry of Immanuel Lutheran Church in nurturing children in the Christian faith and enabling them, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to reach out and share their faith. We also consider our school to be an extension of the home and a partner with parents in raising their children.
Martin Luther School is vitally concerned with all the needs of the child — spiritual, intellectual, physical, and social. Our staff views each child as an individual uniquely gifted by God. Our task is to help every child discover and develop these God-given gifts to the fullest.

A. In developing SPIRITUAL potential, Martin Luther School utilizes instruction in God’s Word to guide the child to:
1. Recognize himself or herself as a child of God.
2. Acquire knowledge and develop an understanding of God and his love, thereby experiencing new life in Christ and a desire to share the good news of salvation.
3. Recognize others as children of God and to “love your neighbor as yourself.”
B. In developing INTELLECTUAL potential, Martin Luther School utilizes a well-rounded curriculum to guide the child to:
1. Acquire academic knowledge and skills.
2. Develop an inquiring mind, thinking skills, and helpful study habits.
3. Evaluate knowledge and experience in the light of God’s Word.

C. In developing PHYSICAL potential, Martin Luther School utilizes free play and organized activity to guide the child to:
1. Regard the body as God’s creation.
2. Acquire physical skills appropriate to personal ability.
3. Establish eating habits and exercise routines that contribute to healthy development.
D. In developing SOCIAL potential, Martin Luther School offers a caring environment to guide the child to:

1. Develop a positive self-concept that emanates from God’s love for the child.
2. Develop personal responsibility towards self, neighbor, and God’s world.
3. Develop caring relationships by recognizing the rights, privileges, and individual differences of others.
4. Respect the authority of home, school, and government.
From the Martin Luther School Staff and Board Manual, updated May 2019
Specific Qualifications and Responsibilities of Principal
1. Membership on the synodical roster of Commissioned Ministers of Religion-Teachers is required.
2. Master’s degree with an emphasis in elementary education administration is desired.
3. Valid state teaching certificate or eligibility for meeting the standards for such is expected.
4. Valid state administrative certificate or eligibility for meeting the standards for such is desired.
5. Participation in the work of the church-at-large is expected.
6. Successful classroom teaching experience is expected.
7. Continued growth through professional development is expected.
8. Any alterations to the above qualifications may be made by the School Board.
It is evident from the school’s vision and mission statements that Martin Luther School is a ministry for Jesus Christ conducted in His name.
The principal’s important role and function is to provide spiritual and educational leadership in a team relationship with the congregation’s pastor(s) and other leadership — so that the school can fulfill its vision and mission according to God’s Word and will and under His blessings.
The principal will in all relationships – with students, parents, faculty, church and school staff, and all others associated with the school — seek to speak and abide by the Word and will of God so that God’s will may be done, His name be glorified, and His kingdom come.
The principal will — in carrying out the responsibilities assigned by this job description — honor God’s name, enhance the ministry of Jesus Christ, and guide the whole-child, educational development of Martin Luther School students.
The principal will:
1. Be responsible for executing policies adopted by the School Board.
2. Be responsible for administrating the school’s religious services and projects, education program, and co-curricular activities.
3. Help prepare the school budget.
4. Prepare and publish a school calendar (with School Board approval).
5. Develop and carry out a continuous school evaluation program.
6. Report regularly to the School Board.
7. Assist the School Board Chairperson in setting the agenda for board meetings.
8. Provide professional leadership and direction to the School Board in the performance of its tasks.
9. Identify, gather, and present needed data for the School Board to make decisions – including input from school staff.
10. Communicate decisions of the School Board to the staff.
11. Administrate the necessary discipline as established in the policy manual to maintain the Christian atmosphere of the school.
12. Recommend classroom and teaching assignments to the School Board.
The principal will:
1. Stress the distinctive nature and objectives of the Lutheran School and ensure that the entire school program is Christ-centered.
2. Work with the School Board to integrate the programs of the school into the total life and ministry of the congregation;
3. Work to develop a personal knowledge of each child.
4. Ensure that each class is meeting its curricular goals.
5. Visit classes regularly and keep records of the visits, conducting at least one announced and one unannounced visit annually for formative evaluation (and summative evaluation when appropriate) — the results of which are to be reported to the School Board.
6. Be responsible for hallway, lunchroom, gymnasium, playground and other areas of general school activity.
7. Be concerned with all aspects of the teaching-learning process.
8. Assist teachers in establishing goals, developing effective lesson plans, and adjusting to meet unique, individual needs of students.
9. Assist teachers in performing a significant amount of self-evaluation.
The principal will:
1. Ensure that reports to local, state, national, district and synodical offices are completed and submitted as required.
2. Oversee the collection of all monies and ensure that accurate financial records are submitted monthly to the School Board.
3. Assist the School Board in preparing board correspondence, documents, and other materials.
4. Ensure that essential records are kept safe and secure.
5. Maintain an inventory of all equipment, material, and holdings of the school.
6. Maintain and secure files for school actions, required reports, policies, correspondence, student records, faculty and staff records, and the like.
The principal will:
1. Lead curriculum development, based on knowledge and availability of current materials.
2. Serve as an educational resource for the staff.
3. Evaluate curriculum and make recommendations for improvement.
4. Ensure that all curriculum materials used at Martin Luther School are educationally sound and promote the vision and mission of Martin Luther School.
The principal will:
1. Be responsible for the overall physical condition of the school.
2. Be responsible for safety conditions and regulations for the school — civil defense, fire regulations, hall conditions, classroom safety, health and safety codes, severe weather procedures, and the like — to ensure the safety of all occupying and using the school.
3. Be responsible for building and equipment maintenance, making recommendations to the School Board for any needed repair, replacement, addition, or deletion.
4. Be responsible for optimum development and use of the school plant for promotion of the total educational program.
5. Perform routine inspections of building, grounds, and equipment — and arrange for maintenance and repair, keeping the School Board advised of repairs made or needed;
6. Ensure that the building and grounds reflect a positive image to the community.
Summary: The principal, together with faculty and staff, will be responsible for creating and maintaining a school environment that will contribute positively to the life, growth, and learning of all students. The building is to be maintained to ensure an attractive, distinctly Christian appearance – and to provide an operationally efficient and hospitable place for all who use the facility.
The principal will:
1. Take a leading role in securing qualified personnel for the school faculty and staff.
2. Orient new faculty and staff members.
3. Work to create and maintain a cooperative spirit among school personnel.
4. Serve as a liaison between the School Board and school personnel.
5. Approve all admissions, transfers, promotions, accelerations, demotions, suspensions, or expulsions of pupils in line with policies adopted and approved by the School Board – reporting such actions to the board at the next scheduled board meeting.
6. Support teachers in their classroom leadership role – especially in disciplinary problems and decisions.
7. Praise and commend outstanding teacher performance both privately and publicly.
8. Report any personnel problems to the School Board as early as possible.
9. Provide for necessary personnel in-service and training.
10. Conduct staff evaluations on a regular basis:
• Classroom observations to take place regularly.
• At least two observations per year – one announced and one unannounced.
• A written evaluation to be completed for both visits.
• Suggestions for improvement to be discussed with the teacher.
• A written remedial plan to be implemented if needed.
11. Conduct weekly faculty meetings and keep records of such.
12. Meet weekly with the entire staff for spiritual growth, prayer, and mutual encouragement.
The principal will:
1. Promote clear understanding of the school’s distinctive vision and mission, both in the congregation and in the community.
2. Report regularly to the School Board on the school’s overall operation.
3. Be responsible for all communication to the school’s constituents and to the community (news releases, advertising, and the like).
4. Participate actively in congregational activities, exercising spiritual leadership to promote other congregational ministries and Christian education efforts.
5. Develops plans to actively recruit students for the school.
6. Develop programs for pupil participation in congregational life, and work to bring children and families into a life of worship and service.
7. Exert leadership in offering the services of the school to the congregation and community.
8. Regularly inform the congregation about the vision and mission, value, and accomplishments of the school.
9. Disseminate school news to parents – school activities, accomplishments, and the like.
a. The principal is responsible to the School Board — as well as to the congregation and to God.
b. The principal will hold a 12-month call.
c. The principal will maintain a working schedule:
• On duty Monday-Friday (when in session) from 7:35 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
• Variations from the routine to be approved by the School Board ahead of time.
• Summer hours and vacation to be approved by the School Board.
d. Any information received from parents of school pupils or school staff regarding the principal’s performance or behavior will be discussed by the School Board in the principal’s presence.
e. The entire Board will review the collected information in an executive session of a regularly scheduled board meeting.
f. At least once per year the School Board will evaluate the ministry performance of the principal at a special face-to-face meeting of the board and principal, scheduled at a mutually agreeable time.
g. The School Board in cooperation with other church boards and any appointed personnel committee of the church will make appropriate salary recommendations to the Church Council for the principal.