"Epistle" Tagged Sermons
Wives and Husbands
Sermon for The 14th Sunday after Pentecost Rev. Gregory Mech | August 26, 2018 | Sunday Service | 8:00 am | Immanuel Lutheran Church – Joplin, MO (Pastor Mech’s sermon is based on the Epistle Reading for the day, Ephesians 5:22-33.) Divine Service, Setting Four ♫ HYMN Praise the Almighty, My Soul Adore Him Hymn 797 CONFESSION AND ABSOLUTION Pastor: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. People: Amen. Pastor:…
We Are His Children
Sermon for The Third Sunday of Easter DCE Jason Glaskey | April 15, 2018 | Sunday Service | 8:00 am | Immanuel Lutheran Church – Joplin, MO Divine Service – Setting Three ♫ Opening Hymn With High Delight Let Us Unite Hymn 483 Invocation, Confession and Absolution page 184 ♫ Introit In your presence there is full- | ness of joy;* at your right hand are pleasures for- | evermore. I will extol you, O…