'nativity' Tagged Posts

advent candles immanuel lutheran church joplin missouri

What Is Advent?

FAQs About Advent What is Advent? Learn about this four-week season of the church year leading up to the celebrated birth of Jesus at Christmas (Note: Advent 2024 begins on Sunday, December 1.) See Also Q: Why does the church year begin at Advent, what is the history of Advent, and what is the history behind the Advent candles and wreath? A: The word “advent” is from the Latin word for “coming,” and as such, describes the “coming” of our Lord…
nativity scene what child is this gregory mech immanuel lutheran church joplin missouri

What Child Is This?

From the Desk of Pastor Mech Prepare to share glad tidings of comfort and joy, of a Savior who has been born to us, who is Christ, the Lord! Our Advent and Christmas focus will be shaped by a familiar Christmas hymn. The author of the series, Rev. Ralph Tausz, provides the context: The birth of a certain child two thousand years ago in Bethlehem prompted a poet in the nineteenth century to ask a very un common question in…